Join One of the Fastest Growing Real Estate Teams in Alabama

How would your life change if you consistently earned $60,000, $75,000, $100,000 or more as a full-time real estate agent?
Dustin Woodley
Dustin Woodley

Dear Current or Future Real Estate Agent:

If you’re reading this, you are probably a new agent or working at a real estate brokerage in Montgomery, Auburn, or Birmingham and need some guidance to kickstart your career.

Let me make a few guesses about your current circumstances:

If you’re already an agent, you probably aren’t getting the support that you need to advance your career. Many brokerages don’t offer the leads, training, coaching, accountability, or team atmosphere required to succeed in this business.

In fact, 87% of real estate agents will fail to achieve the level of success they want and leave the industry within their first year. Agents don’t quit because they made too much money. They quit because they didn’t make any. Many agents are not prepared to run a real estate business fresh out of real estate school.

You might long for a kind of lifestyle that your current job can’t afford you—the freedom to maintain your life outside of work as you please, the money to support your family as well as your personal goals, and the time to make all of it a reality.

You’re kept awake at night because you can’t guarantee where your next client will come from or think of how to progress. You probably long to shed the weight of looming bills and the threat of leaving the industry from your shoulders. You’re spending money on leads and marketing platforms, but the expenses are piling up. You yearn for guidance about what to do next and when to do it.

Perhaps you’ve already sought out a solution to these problems. There are numerous companies out there that promise to deliver quality leads that you can convert into clients, therefore allowing you to grow in your business and personal life. The trouble is, many of these are merely marketing mirages designed only to recruit you, not to nurture your professional and personal interests. The reality is that you’re dodging the real work to do busywork.

With all that in mind, here’s the thing: If you don’t do something different with your career, you’ll probably wind up in that dreaded 87% of the industry—admitting defeat and leaving real estate forever. You’ll go back to a regular nine-to-five job, forgo the comfortable lifestyle you always dreamed of, and re-enter the cycle of making ends meet.

But don’t let your frustrations, anxieties, and past misfortunes get you down. There is a solution to your problems, and it doesn’t involve letting the real estate business chew you up and spit you out:

I’d like to invite you in for a discussion about becoming a member of our brokerage.

My name is Dustin Woodley, and I’ve been in your shoes. I started as a part-time agent with four kids and a full-time career because I wanted to be in control of my destiny. I realized that I was making double in real estate compared to my full-time job. I stepped out from a Fortune 500 company with a great salary and benefits to become a full-time real estate professional. The recession hit, and it was rough, but the systems I put into place during that time have led me to great success. We’re a small brokerage, but we’re mighty, and we’ve had tremendous success taking agents from little or no production to top producers.

Our team has a strong culture of togetherness, and it’s something I’m proud of building. Our leads and systems are industry-leading, and our training is designed to put you in the right mindset to be a top producer.

Let me be a little more specific about what my team has to offer:

  • Social media marketing
  • Signs
  • Professional photography
  • Lockboxes
  • Industry-leading CRM
  • One-on-one meetings
  • Weekly trainings
  • Leads
  • Full-time marketing department
  • Closing coordinator

If you join me, I can help you find the success you desire in this business. I can help you make the money you need to achieve your goals and dreams. I’ll work with you, offer my expertise, and share the expertise of other top agents on the team.

If you take me up on my offer to explore whether our brokerage is right for you, I’d be glad to show you that we’re not all just talk—we can prove that what we say actually happens.

Then again, you could also elect to go a different route. But I’ll warn you: Other big-box brokerages often foster a dog-eat-dog atmosphere in which you’re technically a part of the brand but left to succeed (or fail) on your own. Many will spend a lot of their time calling or texting you so they can recruit you, but once you’re there, they don’t provide the resources you need to grow your business. Others still will promise you quality leads but, in reality, will provide you with weak leads from people who aren’t really interested in buying or selling homes. They won’t hold you to the same productivity and educational standards that we will. There is always room to grow and an opportunity to learn on our team.

Don’t just take my word for it. Consider the story of Andrew: I started my real estate career in Washington state and worked two years as a real estate agent prior to moving back to Alabama. When I moved back I reached out to multiple agencies to find the right fit for me and my career after having two very successful years to start my journey. Since I have joined Dustin at the beginning of 2018, I have learned more about real estate than I ever knew there was to be learned, I have had my largest income year of my life to date, and have taken on a team of 7 agents who are kicking butt every month. The opportunity for growth is immense as long as you take consistent action.

I love the camaraderie of our office and that we as agents are not just a number, but we are a member of the family. What we do for work takes up a lot of our lives, and I can say that with Camelot and my fellow agents, I am proud to spend my time with my family at Camelot and enjoy my time with my clients. Camelot’s tools to succeed in any type of market make it the best prepared to not just sustain any market, but to thrive in any market.

The choice is yours: Face an uncertain industry full of mirages and false promises on your own—or become an agent with our brokerage, consistently netting a strong salary while maintaining a lifestyle fit for you and your family.

When you join our team, the onboarding process starts right away. We’ll get you up to speed quickly in the first few days and then partner you with an agent to provide coaching, support, and mentorship. I’ll be watching closely as well, providing my own guidance.

If your interest has been piqued, I urge you to act quickly. The best time to start your career was five years ago. The second best time is today. If you’re not happy where you are, it’s time to do something about it. Let’s get together now so we can make sure you succeed in real estate regardless of what happens next.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Dustin Woodley

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