Voicemails don’t have to be awkward. Use these tips to hook your prospects.

Leaving a voicemail can be awkward at the best of times. However, as agents, voicemails can still be powerful, persuasive tools that draw in new clients. There is an art to leaving a gripping voicemail, though. 

The key is immediately grabbing the person’s attention with specific, relevant information, spoken in a confident, but not sales-y, tone. If you overwhelm them with information, sound too much like a salesperson, or don’t hook them within the first few seconds, your efforts may backfire. Today I’ll share 10 key tips that will help you leave a sales voicemail that will get your prospects to call you back:

1. Speak clearly. Pronounce your words cleanly, and don’t mumble.

2. Get straight to the point. If your voicemail is too long, your client will tune out. 

3. State the property you’re talking about. They’ll know the address, so mentioning it will get them to zone in and recognize the call quicker. 

4. Sound confident. When you go to the doctor, they talk directly to you. Imitate that and remember that you’re the professional.

5. State who you are. Tell them your name, and use their first name—It’ll help tell them that you’re a friend.

6. Give them your number. Give them the option to text or call you because people might prefer one or the other.

7. Give them choices. Tell them two different times when you’re available, and don’t ask if they want to see the home or not.

8. Make it short, sweet, and to the point. You need to say everything in 20 seconds or less.

9. Smile and stand up. If you can prospect while standing and smiling, it’ll come through in your tone. 

10. Follow up. You told them you would follow up tomorrow. Don’t break your word. Set a reminder and make sure you call them again.

11. It’s just a voicemail. As a bonus tip, remember that this is all over the phone. They can’t hurt you, so prospect as much as you can.

If you have any questions, feel free to call, text, or email me. I’d love to hear from you.