Camelot has a lot to offer to our clients, agents, and community.

Today I’m sharing a little bit about myself, how I got into real estate, and what we do at Camelot.

Why did I get into real estate? When I got into real estate in 2004, I was looking for a work environment where I could have the freedom to work hard, do what I needed to, but also take time off when I needed to, when it was important to my family. I’m so glad I found it! 

What does Camelot do for its clients? Camelot is very strong in the residential real estate market. We focus on helping both buyers and sellers with their personal or investment homes. We can give you step-by-step instructions on how to get top dollar. We also do property management, and we have many years of experience in rehabbing homes so we can help people who are trying to grow a portfolio. We can give them an idea of what it’ll cost them to get a home ready to rent out.

“We have a lot to offer as a company and we pride ourselves on that.”

What does Camelot do for potential agents? At Camelot, we have a stepping-stone program called Camelot-2. If you’re with the main Camelot, you have to join the MLS to do sales. However, with Camelot-2, you’re able to get your feet wet and work up to getting your MLS license. Camelot-2 is a non-MLS company, so agents can easily start learning and training with the company and developing their skills as an agent. With Camelot-2, new agents can partner with an agent who is in MLS and work in a support role. This ensures they’re ready for a full position when we move their license over.

How is Camelot involved in the community? We’re hyper-local. We have agents who help underprivileged kids and we sponsor little leagues. Our agents are constantly giving back because real estate gives us the means and the time to do so. Whenever we have an event, we always push for people to come and bring things to help contribute to the community. At our open houses, we’ll do a raffle and collect food for the local food bank.

Those are a few of the services that Camelot provides. We have a lot to offer as a company, and we pride ourselves on that. If you’d like to hear more details about how we can help you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by phone or email. We’d love to hear from you.