There are three traits that make for a successful career in real estate.

You’ve seen them on TV. Nice cars, beautiful homes—It might seem like being a real estate agent is both easy and profitable. After all, all you need to do is help people achieve one of their biggest dreams, right? The reality is that being a real estate agent is challenging but rewarding. It’s a tough gig, and it might not be for you. How do you know if you should consider a career in real estate? To answer this, you should ask yourself these three questions:

1. Are you a self-starter? What’s not to love about real estate? You set your own hours, work your own leads, and there’s unlimited earning potential. In many cases, you can work from home, and there isn’t even a dress code. The truth of the matter is that with all that freedom comes a cost. You have to be the one to hold your nose to the grindstone and get to work. Nobody will hold your hand, and if you don’t produce, you stand to make nothing at all.

2. Are you driven? Do you have a sales mindset? Are you willing to put in the long hours it takes to chase down leads and negotiate contracts? Working in real estate can mean that you meet lifelong friends among your clients and colleagues. It can also mean being forced to deal with some incredibly difficult people. In the end, you need to have the drive to succeed in spite of adversity.

“It’s a tough gig, so truly think about if it’s for you.”

3. Are you patient? The earning potential of a real estate agent is truly uncapped. There are agents out there making millions of dollars, and in 2020, the average income of an agent was reported to be $129,996. These kinds of numbers, however, aren’t achieved overnight. It can take years, and even decades, before you’ve built your business to that point. That’s not even mentioning the time and cost that it takes to get your license in the first place.

As you can see, there are some very significant pros to becoming a real estate agent. The earning potential alone makes the job seem worthwhile. However, there are some critical necessities for you to achieve success in this field. You need patience, drive, and motivation to be able to become a real estate agent. Do you think you have what it takes? Give me a call, and I’d be happy to discuss these qualities with you and help you decide if a career in real estate is right for you.